Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Beginnings, Old Traditions - Bereishit

New Beginnings, Old Traditions

בראשית ברא אלוקים את השמים ואת הארץ -Beraishit Bara Elokim Et Hashamayim V’et Ha’aretz
In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth

Once again, we find ourselves reading the first portion of the Torah, Beraishit. After the culmination of the reading the entire Torah on Simchat Torah we restart from Genesis once again for the 3,335th time (or 3,295th time since the completion of the Torah).

The book of Genesis begins with the account of creation, describing to us how Hashem created the world in six days and then rested on Shabbat, the seventh day. When one reads the account of creation in the Torah one can only be puzzled and left wanting more information. For the most part, the description in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Genesis is sketchy and it is difficult to comprehend what was before the world was created and what happened afterwards. While the Torah places great emphasis on some parts of history it also skips out on hundreds of years with zero information!

It is for this very reason that our sages explain, that the Torah, while recounting the history of the world, is not really a history book. Rather, the Torah is a book of guidance, morals and teachings. The Hebrew word Hora’ah (teaching) has the same Shoresh (root word) as the word תורה -Torah. It is not about history as much as it is about the lessons, we are to learn from what the Torah is telling us. As such, when we read the stories of Bereishit it is important to approach these stories with the understanding that while we may have read the very same stories for so many years, the lessons we derive from them are grounded in our age-old traditions and teachings and are applicable in every day and generation. 

There is a beautiful custom that on Simchat Torah as we read the account of creation, the entire congregation calls out the conclusion of every day of creation “Vayehi Erev Vayehi Boker… It was evening and it was morning” One of the great Chassidic masters explained that we do this as witnesses would proclaim their testimony. We are essentially bearing witness to the history of the world, as we dedicate ourselves, once more, to study the Torah yet again for the 3,335th time.

Shabbat Shalom

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Great Hoshanah

The Great Hoshanah
The holiday of joy, Zman Simchateinu, Sukkot comes to a grand conclusion with the very special day of Hoshanah Rabbah. This day is traditionally seen as the final day of the High Holiday season. Our sages instituted many special prayers on this day as it is the "closing of the gates of heaven", a time when our destiny is sealed for the coming year. For this reason we say special prayers for rain and sustenance
One of the most ancient customs of the Jewish people is the Chavitat Ha'aravah-the banging of the willow branch on Hoshanah Rabbah. This custom goes back to the time of the early prophets some 3000 plus years ago and is brought down in the Talmud (Tractate Sukka 44b) which states that the custom was to CHAVIT the willow branches. Rashi (France 1040-1105) explains that CHAVIT means to wave them, as we wave the lulav. The Rambam (Spain 1138-1204) and many other commentaries explain that it means to beat them, and this is in fact the accepted custom.
What is the significance of this strange custom?
Some explain that is is a silent prayer for rain, similar to the raindrops beating on the ground. Others explain that it is a symbol of repentance. Just as we bang our chests on Yom Kippur during the Al Chet prayer, so too, we bang the Aravah on the floor. According to Kabbalistic sources, there are five elements of Gevurah-judgement. By banging the Aravah, we sweeten the Din (Hamtakat Hadinim) and transform the Gevurah (judgement) into Chessed (kindness and blessing).
The word Hoshanah however can also mean "To Help". As an educator, I interact with children daily. Children have the ability to bring smiles to our faces, even when we are having a rough day. When we teach our children from a young age the values of Judaism and doing Chesed (kindness) we are instilling in them the ability to sweeten another's day. We are empowering them to bring a smile to another in their time of need or give them a much needed boost. Let's teach our children to be a great Hoshanah to all. Chag Sameach!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why Forgive? - Yom Kippur

Why Forgive?
Yom Kippur 5780
Why forgive someone who hurt you? Why forgive someone who insulted or berated you? Why forgive those you vehemently disagree with? Why forgive those who have cheated you? Why forgive those that have lied to you? Why forgive those that have a different political or religious ideology than you? Why forgive those that have done you harm? Why forgive stupidity? Why forgive brazen insolence? Why forgive rudeness? Why forgive those that have acted against your explicit instructions? Why forgive at all?
Be like G-d. Forgive
Avinu Malkeinu-Our Father, our King, be gracious to us and answer us, for we have no meritorious deeds; deal charitably and kindly with us an deliver us. (Machzor Liturgy)
Could you possibly imagine if G-d asked these very same questions towards each of us?
We would certainly be doomed.
Instead, G-d is merciful and forgives us. Yes, of all of the above and more, because he is gracious and kind.
Our world is better off, if we forgive. We are better off, if we forgive.
Be like G-d. Forgive.
Have an easy and meaningful Yom Kippur.
Gmar Chatima Tova,