It’s been a delightful two weeks in Israel. My wife and I had a wonderful trip and now we are headed home and a feeling of sadness and nostalgia is already in my gut. Israel does that to me. Something about this biblical land, the spiritual energy, and cultural vibes, gets me every time. I admit it, I am in love with Israel, our eternal homeland, as well as all that delicious kosher food. The exercise regiment will recommence maƱana.
The first ten days of our trip had us staffing our fourth Taglit-Mayanot Birthright Trip. Then came the recovery.
Family members and friends often asked me why we make the effort to staff a birthright trip each summer. Indeed, it is a young person’s trip with little sleep, non-stop activities, hiking, and then add in the Middle East heat, something that leaves me exhausted when done.
But there is also the inspiration that I crave so much as well as the challenge of connecting with a new group of forty-six young millennial Jews, people who are very different from me. The daily songs, prayers, and spiritual Torah lessons were inspiring to me as I hope they were to the participants. In my line of work of Shlichus (serving as a Chabad emissary) I often feel the brunt of the pressures and stresses of communal work. Yes, the Rabbis and Rebbitzin are human too, and we need a recharge from time to time. For me, that recharge is seeing the oneness of the Jewish people and how Jewish millennials are eager to connect, if given the opportunity.
As I lead the orientation for our participants when we first meet, I always say “I’ll discuss any topic you wish, except for American politics”. I say this because the public discourse in the U.S. has gotten to the point that nine times out of ten any political discussion ends on a disrespectful note, strong words or even in anger. This is something I refuse to be part of as it is tearing away at the foundation of our society and our Jewish communities.
Judaism has a beautiful teaching that says “Derech Eretz Kadma L’Torah- respect (between people) comes before Torah study”. This teaching is a bedrock of Judaism in my opinion, for without respect and tolerance, not much is accomplished. Every Birthright trip I lead reinforces my belief on this matter.
Participants of our group were from many different backgrounds and affiliations. We couldn’t have been more different, on the surface. As we bonded, talked, questioned and experienced the holy land together, we sometimes disagreed or felt differently about things. That’s normal and even expected. As we got to know each other even more, we felt more at ease with each other. Yet, sometimes we still disagreed on religious, cultural or political matters. That’s ok too.
What was most inspiring though, is that although we may have disagreed or debated certain points, we really do have so much more in common than what divides us. While we may differ in our thoughts, speech and opinions, the Derech Eretz (respect) shown to each other was heartwarming. It was something our sages would have been proud of.
Israel is a beautiful and complex country. It is not perfect by any means. The politics, security concerns, religious issues, and cultural differences are real and complex. There are different view points and opinions and we will certainly not always agree. But it is OUR land and OUR issues. It is OUR family that we are disagreeing with. We are all different, but there really is so much more that binds us as one people than what divides us.
Let’s agree to agree.
P.S. special shout out to my Mayanot498 new friends.