"In an age of ultra-connectivity, constant real-time social media updates and the 24/7 news cycle, we have failed to communicate to our future."
Most in the organized Jewish world would agree- we have a problem. From rabbis to cantors, heads of Jewish institutions to educators, the coffee talk is always the same; assimilation, and the future of American Jewry. Some polls have painted a very bleak future, while others have been a bit more promising. One thing for sure, North American Jewry has a problem, and a big one at that.
The issue at heart- the disconnected Jewish Millennial. The future of Judaism lies in their hands and they don’t seem to care that much about it all.
I just returned from staffing my third Birthright-Taglit trip with forty four millennials and had an epiphany.
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Mayanot Birthright Israel Bus 410 at the entrance to the Old City. |
This week’s Torah portion will see us conclude the book of Numbers- Bamidbar. In the closing portions of Matot-Masei we read about a fascinating disagreement that threatens to splinter the Jewish community.
The background to this disagreement is important. The tribes of Reuvain and Gad were blessed with much cattle. As a result, they needed fertile land for their animals to graze. The land of the East bank of the Jordan river was perfect for them. As the Jews were about to enter the land of Israel (west of the Jordan river), these two tribes requested that they be allowed to keep their current land outside of Israel. Moshe reacts harshly, accusing them of abandoning the quest to enter Israel, and not wanting to fight alongside their brethren to conquer the Holy Land.
But after a meeting of Moses and the parties involved, it is clear that intentions had been pure all along. The tribes of Reuvain and Gad would not only partake but would lead the Jews into battle and not return home until the entire land was conquered and apportioned (which took some 14 years). The ruffled feathers were soothed, misunderstanding were clarified, the anger subsided and everyone lived happily ever after. It really was a lack of proper communication.
I just returned from staffing my third Birthright-Taglit trip for participants ages 22-26. My 3 groups were typical US Jews from throughout the States. For the most part they were secular, unaffiliated and disconnected from Judaism. The typical Millennial Jew. My job was to teach, inspire and engage this problematic demographic.
This summer found me, once again, sitting in a bus for ten days with 44 participants, thirty-seven American and seven Israeli soldiers and students. Here I was with a front-row seat to this very demographic that we worry about. And once again, I taught, sang, schmoozed, laughed, cried, shvitzed and relived the “birthright experience”. It was like summer camp except that we have all aged a bit.
My reflections and thoughts have been clamoring in my brain since.
I have come to the realization that while the lack of Jewish education, knowledge, affiliation, interest etc. are all real and important factors in the Millennial disconnect, there is an even bigger pink elephant in the room. The lack of personal connection. The lack of non judgmental Jewish love-Ahavat Yisrael.
In an era of so much connectivity and social media, our young people are craving real, personal and meaningful spiritual guidance. And that is on us, the rabbis and Jewish leadership.
As I connected with all the wonderful people on my trip, an amazing thing happened, they were open to study, pray, ask questions, observe rituals, experience Judaism, and really start to grow spiritually. Yes, it may only be ten days in Israel. Yes, we must find a way to continue the inspiration. But it’s possible and it’s all about communication.
As a token of thanks, the participants presented me and my wife with a small notebook at the end of the trip. The messages and notes all had the same recurring theme. They were so grateful for the opportunity to reconnect to Judaism and the Jewish people, and they were so appreciative that someone actually took the time and communicated with them.
Just like with Moses in our Torah portion, real communication and personal connection is the recipe for communal growth and healing. We can not afford this lack of communication with our Millennial. They are not only an integral part of the Jewish community, but they are our future.
Just as in Biblical times, the path to the promised land comes through genuine communication.
Shabbat Shalom