Friday, August 5, 2016

Sensless Love - Israel Tour

Sensless Love
Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av

Having just returned from a ten-day trip, staffing a birthright trip, there is much on my mind. I was asked to be the spiritual leader for a Mayanot Birthright experience-teaching and infusing the trip with a spiritual component. I was excited, and motivated for a change in scenery and environment, but also nervous and apprehensive of what would transpire.

Would the participants be respectful, open-minded, and willing to learn? What would an Orthodox rabbi is his 40's have in common with young secular Jews? Would I be seen as an interloper or trying to force my views on others? And what about the social issues between participants? I had heard some stories and that was the absolute last thing I was interested in.

The last ten days were a lesson for a lifetime. I hope I don't forget them anytime soon. 

As we toured the many sights and landmarks throughout Israel (both historical, religious and Modern) I was reminded of the saying by Theodr Hertzl; "I'm Tirtzu, Zeh Lo Agada-If you will it-it is not a dream." Of course, this was said about reestablishing the Jewish homeland in a Zionistic context.

But for me this idea took on a new meaning.

My group of 22-26 year old proved to be the most wonderful group of people. From our one-on-one conversations, the daily Modeh Ani and Torah reflection we did on the bus, celebrating each other's special moments and interests, and the shared experience, it was the best I could hope for. They listened, shared, challenged, disagreed politely, laughed, cried, sang and rapped, and throughout, were respectful, heartfelt and introspective. Our tour guides told us in the bus we were all Mishpacha-a family, and that is what we truly became. 

I learned that I had much to share and learn from this group of young Jews. 

Our sages tell us that the Second Temple was destroyed because of senseless hatred between Jews, something that unfortunately we have become quite good at. Yet, in Mayanot Bus328 a special thing happened. There were zero social issues, no fights, no negativity, no Jewish labels-- just Jews living, laughing and experiencing Judaism together. There is a wonderful statement attributed to Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, former chief rabbi of Israel "we have demonstrated to the world that we can die together, but let us demonstrate that we can live together." In this most sad time in the Jewish calendar, our focus must be not just on the destroyed temple, but on living together as one Mishpacha-notwithstanding disagreements, philosophies or personalities.

This trip was a taste of something very special. Perhaps a taste of the Messianic era. A kaleidoscope of different people, ideas, religious backgrounds and personalities bonding through their souls, as Jews with true respect, love and joy.

Toda Rabbah Mayanot Birthright for this incredible opportunity. You are investing In the right product and the right time. Thank you to my fellow staff members for your dedication and friendship. And most of all, thank you to the participants for reigniting in me the hope and belief that we can and shall live together with Ahavat Chinam-sensless love and respect. 

It was truly special. Or as they say in modern Hebrew slang, Mayanot 328-Mamash Sababa!

Shabbat Shalom.   

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Teens, Knishes & the Pew Poll

by Rabbi Yossi Marrus
C-Teen San Antonio Chapter Director

Much has been discussed in the recent year since the Pew Poll was released, depicting a disturbing trend of Judaism in America. Amidst the hand wringing and the accusations from different organizations and affiliations, there has been no real response or solution to the ever growing problem in these United States. Un-affiliation and apathy seems to have run a muck and we don't know how to stop it.

On a political level, we seem to see the most bizarre of election seasons, at least in my adult life happening right under our very noses. Frustration, anger at the system, and bucking of the status quot in both major political parties seems to be the slogan of the day. Again, the hand-wringing, accusations, and failure to figure out what really to do about it all.

The most difficult demographic to engage, and reach out to on a religious and social level are our teens. Teenagers can be indifferent, unwilling to cooperate, and quite frankly more interested in sleeping and eating large amounts of food, than having a productive and deep spiritual discussion. Past the Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations, engaging them makes a root canal an easy experience. While having Sweetheart and Beau dances and trying to focus on external and immaterial things may work a bit, it surely does not address the deep and important spiritual crisis we are facing with young Jews.

So the question remains, how do we engage this most important demographic, the future leaders of the Jewish people if they are uninterested and not willing to engage.

The answer is the C-Teen organization. 

Founded just seven years ago as an organization to get teens more involved and engaged in Judaism, it has quickly grown and morphed into a mega-grassroots club with more than 2000 members of dynamic, engaged, and excited teens. I have the privilege of directing the San Antonio chapter of this organization and have been part of it for the last three years. We have grown locally from 10 kids to 75 in a small Jewish community.

This past weekend I attended the C-Teen international Shabbaton in New York City with sixteen local kids. As one of the older group leaders who has been involved in Youth education for more than twenty years, I can say with confidence that the Jewish people will be alright.They (C-Teen) understand the dilemma and have a solution to the problem. 

Two thousand plus Jewish kids, excited, engaged and dedicated to do more Mitzvot and live more Jewishly is something more impactful perhaps than the Super Tuesday caucuses, as far as I'm concerned. The sheer pride and excitement of being Jewish, coupled with a passion and commitment to do more and commit to really living Jewishly, is a breath of fresh air that is so much needed.

At our round circle discussion, sitting on the floor in La Guardia Airport awaiting our plane back home, each participant spoke of their experience and how they pledge to live more Jewishly, do more Mitzvot, get as many teens involved as possible, and yes, marry Jewish.

C-Teen does not have hundreds of "professional outreach" workers, political consultants or VIP offices with plush couches. It doesn't not have a staggering budget of millions and millions spent on focus groups , or fact-finding trips to decide what will appeal to today's teens. What is does refreshingly have is truly engaged and committed staff who are completely and selflessly engaged to the core of their beings.

It has authentic Yiddishkeit (Judaism) brought to teens with love, joy and unabashed Jewish pride. And the kids have gone gaga, thirstily taking it in. I meanwhile, watched this with tears of gratitude in my eyes.

In case you're wondering what Jewish teens need today? Forget the fancy flyers, black-tie dance balls, and save the habitats projects. These are nice things and kids will certainly enjoy them.

Give them unabashed authentic Judaism with an extra grande triple shot of "Gaon Yakov" Jewish pride, and we have a bright Jewish tomorrow.

L'Chaim to C-Teen, the best thing since Knishes.